Wednesday 23 December 2009

Simon Says Challenge

Brrrr it's a cold one here this morning -7 when I got up at 6.30am and thats cold for this part of the Country. We did have a sprinkling of snow which was fantastic to see but I think the rain this afternoon will wash it away :o(

Anyway, enough of my Michael Fish impressions (remember him ?!!)......

Wow, what an amazing response we had to last week's "Merry Christmas" challenge at Simon Says Challenge ! Well over 200 entries !!

We have some sad news that Anna has decided to leave us. We shall miss you heaps Anna but keep up your fantastic creations !

This week we are in the "party" mood so we want to see your party creations !

Our Designer in the Spotlight this week is Georgina who is only 9 years old ! Please check out her handy work and leave her a comment.

The prize this week is ............... a surprise ! This gift will be opened on Christmas Day so you will have to wait to see what Santa brings !!!

Due to a severe lack of time this week I had to make a very quick card but I think these cutie mice say it all "they are off to a party" !!

The DP's are DCWV "Sweet".

We are now taking a week off and putting our feet up (huh, as if !!!) and so we will be back with our next challenge on 6th January so that also means you have 2 weeks to get your entry in and win the surprise.

Please hop over to the rest of the DT's blogs and leave them a nice Christmassy message and also see if you can find some hidden candy - its out there just waiting to be found !

From myself and the rest of the Simon Says Challenge team and indeed, the whole of Simon Says Stamp, we wish you a very happy Christmas and a very healthy, prosperous and crafty New Year !


  1. Oh they're adorable, gorgeous card.

  2. very cute card Jo :-) They are so cute ,, off to their party ,, aww :-) I love this ,,, :-)

    Merry Christmas ,,, hope you have a lovely time with your family :-)

    Lols x x

  3. Cute card Jo, adorable little critters lol
    Happy Christmas
    Anne x

  4. What a gorgeous card Jo,i love your image and papers.

    Merry Christmas!
    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. Hi Jo, this is very cute!!!!adorable!!

    Happy holidays to you sweetie and be safe..
    hugs, Janiel

  6. Such a cute card Jo - the mice are so sweet and I love the psatel colours you've used!
    Merry Christmas! :)
    Love, Georgia xx

  7. Great card. you ladies deserve to have a week off, there is always so much going on over here. Enjoy the Holidays

  8. ooo this is beautiful sweetie :), and to think that you made this quickly, i am in awe at your talents hun, Also just wanted to pop by and wish you a very merry christmas, i hope that you and your family have a lovely one :), Take care darlin



  9. Very cute card Jo!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

    Hugs, Tímea

  10. Super cute card Jo!
    Merry Christmas

  11. Hi hope you had a fab christmas and a well deseved rest and your card is lovely this is mine that I've entered into simion says challenge. Have a fab new year and hope 2010 brings all good things your way thanks Julye

  12. Such a cute card, Jo! Very sweeet!
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  13. I hope you would have enjoyed,
    Winter Sms


Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog and for leaving me a comment. I hope you have liked what you have seen and will visit again.

Thanks !

Jo x

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