Sunday 5 April 2009

Judy's fab news and her blog candy !

My fellow DT buddy on Colour Create, Judy of Judy's Crafty Moments is celebrating. Not only is she celebrating the fact that she has had nearly 10,000 hits on her blog (which isn't surprising as she is sooo talented and everyone wants to see her work) but also she has been published in none other than Craft Stamper magazine ! Many, many congratulations Judy.

There are three rules to be in the running to win Judy's candy

1. To add a comment on your blog and link Judy's blog - with pleasure !
2. To be a follower of her blog - been one of these for a long time
3. Nominate someone in blogland who has helped or encouraged you in some way.

Well, that one isn't at all hard for me. Over the past year I have met some amazing, friendly people who have both helped and inspired me but there is one person who stands out amongst the rest and that is my fabulous, talented and wonderful friend Tara of Happily Ever Crafting. Tara is one of the most genuine, down to Earth and loyal friends you could ever wish to meet and I love her to pieces. If I won Judy's blog candy, I would share it with my friend Tara.

I love this idea as its not just about winning blog candy or following someone's blog or even adding a comment, its all about taking the time to think about your friends and appreciating them and what they do for you. Well done Judy !


  1. Wow! Jo..thanks so much for the amazing plug!! You are a star!!! Thanks for your kind words and you are so right Tara is fabulous! I'm so glad you have found such a good friend in her. good luck in the blog candy! Thanks for all your supportive and generous comments over the past few months! It means such a lot!
    Big hugs
    Judy xxx

  2. Oh Jo, I'm lost for words! What a wonderful thing to say and I'm so touched and quite emotional too! To think that you would want to share your stash with me if you won is incredible too! I echo everything you say back you know and I bet you can't guess who I'll be nomination when I post up this candy, heh?
    Love ya! xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog and for leaving me a comment. I hope you have liked what you have seen and will visit again.

Thanks !

Jo x

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