Saturday 1 November 2008

Laugh of the week !

While we were away, Ski took Junior Monopoly which she had received for her birthday and we had never got round to playing it. It's a terrific, fun game which I can highly recommend for Christmas. It keeps your child entertained all the way through and the clever person who invented it took out the "paddy button" when the child feels like they might be losing (I am sure that any parent knows what I am talking about !). As long as they have a fist full of money, they are happy !

Anyway, we finally came to the end of the game (yes, it can take a while to play like the original Monopoly !) we counted up our money and Dad had won by a substantial margin. When he was questioned about how he had come by soooo much money he replied :

"I invested in a craft shop and each time your Mum passed it, I collected £200".

The word "cheeky" springs to mind here !!!!!


  1. Love it!
    I showed this to my boyfriend and he laughed out loud!


  2. Very amusing Jo!
    I read this out to my DH and he laughed.
    I normally get that 'so what!' look when I read stuff off craft blogs and forums. Much like when I tell him something that happened at the ice skating! (like when the Canadian nearly lost his hand last week in the pairs competition - blood everywhere! - completely non-plussed!!)
    Kathleen xx


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Thanks !

Jo x

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